Friday, August 29, 2008

What If Sex And The City Were Set In Singapore?

Cafe - Day

Carrie enters. Drenched. Miranda, Samantha and Charlotte are already seated at a table.

Carrie : Wah lau eh! My expensive shoes and dress just kena splashed by a bus!

Miranda : Actually, writers in Singapore get paid enough to be able to buy expensive shoes and dresses meh?

Carrie : Okay, I lied.

Samantha : I just had sex.

The other three : NO! In Singapore?

Samantha : Okay, I lied, too.

Carrie : There is sex in Singapore. Just not for producing children.

Charlotte : I want children. At least three.

The other three look at her.

Charlotte : Okay. I lied as well.

Miranda ( To Carrie) : So, Carrie, how's your search going?

Carrie : Search? For who?

Miranda : For, you know, the man. Mr.Big.

Carrie : He's not that big. He can't be if he could escape through that small toilet window. But the search is still going on.


Oops! Matilamak Mas Selamat Kastari jadik Mr.Big katanya! (Ketawa guling-guling ala cerita hindustan)

Occaylah. Iols berangkat setia dulu. Chow Arrivederci!


Shopaholic Mama said...

Why your entries still dated in August? That's why we think you tak update lah!

KaNdRyXx gLaMaZoNs said...

iOLs sTiLL uPDaTe CuMa DaTe iTtEw TeRkEBeLaKaNg SkEt.
DiFfErEnT TiMe ZoNe KaTaNYa!